We had a great weekend! Spent Friday afternoon/evening helping Jenny and Jim move into their new house. Alex hung out with Gaga and Papa. They all looked worn out when we got there to pick him up. Alex and I just hung out at home while Wil worked on Saturday. We spent the day Sunday at the Renaissance festival. It was nice weather and we enjoyed walking around looking at everything along the way. Alex enjoyed all the activity and people around. He watched people fencing, the beginning of the joust, and belly dancers (which finally put him to sleep!). We went out for dinner last night to celebrate Nikki's birthday at Pepito's. She snuck into town for the weekend, so it was good to see her.
Alex has a cold and actually has his first ear infection today. We ran up to the minute clinic and it's his left ear. He has to take amoxicillin for 10 days. He took his first dose tonight like a champ! I think he thinks it's a treat of some kind. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.