We spent time yesterday shopping for Alex's really big boy bed. He's been using the toddler bed for awhile now, but he's getting pretty long for it. So, we shopped for a mattress yesterday so that we can convert his bed to to full-sized. He really enjoyed trying out the beds and we found a great deal on one that should last him for quite some time. It won't be in until Thursday, so we'll get it all put together next weekend. With that, we decided it's time to redecorate his room as well. The pale purple walls and Pooh border/pictures just doesn't fit him anymore. He says he wants racing stuff. So, we'll have to make a trip to Home Depot too!
Alex then went over to grandma and papa's last night for a sleepover. Wil and I realized that we hadn't been out together, just the two of us, since about April! We had dinner at Outback and then went to see Wall E. It was an okay movie, not my favorite Pixar film at all. Alex would have never gotten anything out of it and probably would not sit still through it. Despite that, it had a good message and there are plenty of people who could get something from it if they let that message sink in. We came home and had a few drinks and watched "Fool's Gold". Pretty good movie as well.
Alex got to go to Chuck E. Cheese and apparently didn't sleep much. So, Wil is now on his way to pick him up. Not sure yet what we'll do today, but it's supposed to be hot and humid, so I'm kind of hoping for a lazy day in the air conditioning!
We got Dish set up the other day (not happy with Direct TV). We now have VH1 Classics so now I can watch all the 80's stuff I want:)