Sunday, October 09, 2005

October already??

It's hard to believe how fast this year is flying by. Alex is getting so big and just gets cuter and cuter everyday! He's pulling up on things and starting to cruise around...every once in awhile he'll let go of what he is holding onto and stand there briefly. He loves to clap his hands and zoom around the house. He's hearing "no" a lot. He has a lot to say and babbles quit a bit. We're working on Mama and I've heard him say it a few times. He's a lot of fun! We went for a drive yesterday up through Taylor's Falls. We didn't stop as it was so busy and no parking. So, we just kept driving looking at the colors and enjoying the great day. Today was a kind of laze around and do nothing day...although I did manage to clean the living room and kitchen, bake some apples, and make a turkey dinner. Oh well!

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