Thursday, August 31, 2006

State Fair Fun!

We took Alex to the State Fair today. He really liked all the commotion going on (around his 1 1/2 hour stroller nap). He got to play a little farmer at the Little Farm Hands exhibit. We saw baby animals that were born just yesterday. When he saw the cows he said "Moo" and "Baa" for the sheep. He really liked the french fries and tried a corndog. It was a beautiful day and we had a good time.

In other news, we're attempting to get Alex to use the potty. He will sit on it for a while, but hasn't done anything more than that yet. He sat on it tonight after asking to do so and wanted to read a book while sitting on it. He'll get the hang of it eventually! It's amazing how fast and how much he's growing! He's 20 months old!!

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