We went to the pumpkin patch last Sunday. Alex picked out his very own little pumpkin and we also got a bigger one to carve. We got there just before they closed, so we missed taking a hayride, but Alex got to see some goats and sheep. He ran around and looked at all the little displays they had and even pet a sheep. We stopped for dinner at Famous Dave's afterward and Alex really liked it.
Yesterday was the big Leaf Crawl and Cousin Robbie's and Betsy's house. I've never seen such a pile of leaves! Alex had a blast playing in them and finding a ton of treasures. He got to see his cousin Rachel and his little friend Bella and Auntie Patty stopped by too. There were a lot of kids and it was so much fun. He came home with a lot of stuff!
Alex is learning so much. He counts things, talks a lot, and has learned some new songs. He knows "50 ways to leave your lover" by Paul Simon and he really likes the song. He sings out the "set yourself free" part. He still loves watching Taylor Hicks videos on YouTube or GoFish. He also knows Old McDonald and stuff like that.
This morning after breakfast he said, "I want to get out and play".