Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What we're doing....

We are getting ready for our big week long vacation to the Black Hills! We are going to take my parents pop-up camper and head out for a week of fun! It's been quite awhile since I've been out there, so I am very excited to go and take the boys (and Wil has never been either). Alex says he is most excited to play in the camper, see bears, and Mt. Rushmore. We plan to see just about everything and maybe do a little geocaching along the way.

Fletcher is scooting around everywhere and tries to get into everything he shouldn't. He is starting to "talk". He says "bye" and waves, says "hi" (which sounds like eye), mama, dada, and dog (which sounds like dug). Alex is enjoying summer and doing a lot of playing and reading. The two of them have a lot of fun together and no one can get Fletcher laughing like Alex can.

I'm looking forward to a fun-filled summer and our trip will be a good start!

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