Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tooth Fairy time

Alex lost his first tooth this morning. And now he has lost his second tooth tonight! He did very well with it and is quite excited about the tooth fairy coming. He already has a tooth growing in that was behind these teeth, so it isn't very noticeable that he has a big gap in his bottom teeth. I can't believe that he is such a big boy now! When I asked him how much he'll charge the tooth fairy, he thought $7 was a good deal!
He also started violin lessons today and did well. He was able to pluck the first line of Twinkle Twinkle. I hope he enjoys it and sticks with it. He was pretty happy about going today. He is making many friends in school and seems to have a great time. I love seeing the look on his face when we pick him up at the end of the day-even though he's having fun, he misses us!

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