Sunday, June 15, 2008

Clifford, the big red dog...

We brought our new dog Clifford home today. It's a dog we've seen a couple times at the Humane society, but he wasn't ready for adoption until recently. He is a lab retriever mixed with coonhound. His name is appropriate because he's reddish in color. Very sweet dog so far and we're all just getting used to eachother. So far, we've played in the yard and gone for a walk. Now, he's finally settled down enough to lay down and relax on the floor while Alex watches a Spongebob episode before a nap. He knows some commands and is listening well so far-just tried to get up on the couch and when I made a sound for "no", he got right down. He really likes getting loved up and being outside. Alex is a little wary yet, but is okay and says he really loves Clifford.
Clifford has hypothyroidism, so he'll require medicine for the rest of his life. But otherwise he's very healthy! He has quite the Coonhound howl and I'm sure our house will be protected from now on. We're very happy to have our new addition to the family.

1 comment:

LoraLoo said...

I'm way behind around here...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Clifford sounds like a great dog, I want to see a picture!

Happy Father's Day to Wil!