Monday, June 16, 2008

On the move...

Clifford is doing just great in our home.  He lays around a lot, except when we go for walks or out in the yard.  He seems pretty happy and content to just hang out and sleep.  He slept all night last night and didn't make a peep when Wil came home from work at 2:30am (maybe not such a watchdog).  We left him alone for a couple hours today while we took Alex to his soccer class and he did just fine alone.  He's being a real good dog (except when he took some of Alex's lunch out of his hand today).  So, now when we eat, he's banished to the living room blocked  by a gate, but he did just fine with this at dinnertime.

Alex started soccer today.  I really want him to just try new things, play with kids, and have fun!  Unfortunately, there are always those parents who think their kid is the next David Beckham.  Anyway, Alex did really well following direction, running and kicking the ball.  He was NOT into trying to play an actual game.  I think he got overwhelmed with all the kids running together to the ball and he didn't get it.  There were a lot of kids and a lot of parents.  The coach divided the kids up into small "teams" and I think he didn't realize that Alex is only 3 and put him with the older kids (the ages are 3-5).  So, Alex had enough and just wanted to go home.  So, we left and made sure he knew how great he did and that we were proud of him.  He said he's going to try again next week.  
So, here's where I can start my mini rant about organized sports (because I'm truly not a fan, but realize that Alex can learn something and get some exercise).  There are always a handful of people who can just ruin it and turn it into more than what it is.  All the kids were under 5 and it was obvious that most never played before.  It was also obvious whose kids have parents who think their kid is the star (and there was the mother who is reliving her soccer playing days through her kid).  These are the parents who would not shut up and just let the kids play and I think that is where Alex got a little put out.  So, we'll try again next week and maybe Alex will be more comfortable.  But, if he's not, that's okay too.

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