Monday, December 28, 2009

Fletcher is 4 months old!

Fletcher had his 4 month appointment today. He is a big boy! 22 pounds and 27 inches long! We've all been battling colds the last couple weeks and the doctor didn't like the sound in his chest today. So, he got a chest x-ray done and there was a small spot on the right lobe of his lung. She looked at it, along with 2 other doctors, and they determined it could be a pneumonia, but it might not be either. It was decided to treat it as such just in case-with an antibiotic, steroid, and nebulizer. He had a nebulizer treatment while at the clinic, and man is that a pain! I feel for those that have to do that routinely! We've managed to escape any real illnesses since Alex was born, so we've been very lucky. The doctor thinks that he'll turn around quickly. I hope so. It's so hard to see a sick baby!

We had a wonderful Christmas. Both boys got so many nice things! Fletcher doesn't get it, but Alex really did this year and was just in heaven with all the great gifts he got. Santa brought him a Buzz Lightyear which made him squeal and jump and say "I'm laughing with joy!". We had so much fun spending time with family-thanks to everyone for all the cool stuff!

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