Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Growing Kids!

Fletcher is nearly 4 months old already! He is getting so big and we are all having so much fun with him. He has tried a few bites of rice cereal now-he's not sure about it at this point. He's made a habit of waking up around 2am, so our streak of all night sleeping has ended for now. It was nice while it lasted. Fletcher is a big smiler and an even bigger talker. He can be very loud with his jabbering-it is very cute!
Alex is nearly 5! I can't believe how fast time has gone. He is such a good big brother and he wants to help with Fletcher so much. He helped feed Fletcher some of his cereal tonight. He is reading some and writing his letters and does a pretty good job of both. Our favorite new show to watch is "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader" and I'm pretty sure he soon will be!!
Both boys have their medical appointments coming up and I can't wait to see how big they are. Alex is so tall-he comes up to my chest already!
Work has been extremely busy but I have been enjoying my new position. I work with a really great group of people!

It's hard to believe Christmas is this week! The year just flew by. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas-enjoy your time with family and friends!

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